ついに待ちに待った学校再開の知らせを聞くことができました。政府は4月14日を全ての学校の門を開く日としました。そのニュースはまるで乾いた草に広がる火の様に口伝えで伝えられました。“Mamma Salone”は、9か月の閉鎖を余儀なくされましたが、苦しみのあとで再出発を願う子供達の為にもう一度開くこととなりました。キリストが荒れ野で宣教の準備をされたように、エボラに対しての最後の戦いの準備として国民は三日の断食と祈りを捧げました。学校に戻るという望みを叶えようとする子供達は、国の将来を担う最も重要な位置におかれています。
シスター・エリサ・パディラ シオラ・レオーネ
Sr.Elisa Padilla m.c. Sierra Leone
Sr.吉田 m.c.Lunsar
All Our Friends
At last the so long awaited news about the reopening of schools was
heard. 14th April was the day chosen by the Government to open the
gates of all the schools. The news passed from mouth to mouth like the
fire that spreads on the dry grass.. “Mamma Salone” after nine months
of suffering, was giving birth once more to children painfully
purified but eager to start afresh. As Jesus prepared himself in the
desert, the country was asked once more, to offer three days of
fasting and prayer in preparation to the last step in the fight
against ebola. Her children, the future of the country would be placed
in the forefront in an attempt to satisfy the desire of going back to
Today we ended the first week. Hope was all that reigned in the
atmosphere!! Happily and with immense gratitude towards God that looks
after his own, we saw once more the streets of Lunsar being filled
with students dressed in their colourful uniforms going to school. Our
gates opened once more to receive the little ones wearing their pink
uniforms, the girls and adolescents dressed in blue and wine colour,
as well as the not so young female students walking with a smile on
their faces towards the vocational centre. There was in all of us a
mixture of feelings. On one hand the joy of filling once more the
empty classrooms and on the other the fear that among so many one
would be infected.
Few days earlier, the Government, together with the Ministry of
Education, young people from different localities, students,
volunteers, etc joined forces to clean one school after the other.
..Life has come back!! Boys and girls with hoes, shovels, brooms, and
a load of optimism entered our schools to cut the grass, sweep, dust,
carried tables and chairs from one class to another.. an intense force
bound us together.!!
On Monday 13th, the day before the reopening, the teachers were
practicing the use of the thermometers, the washing of hands, the
security measures to be used in case a student presents synthoms of
ebola. All with a smile, determined to accept the challenge ahead of
us. On Tuesday 14th little by little the streets were filled with
students. Some peeped behind the houses to make sure they were not the
only ones coming to school; other crossed the gate walking shyly and
closing their eyes while feeling the thermometer close to their
foreheads. Yes, even though the taken of the temperature and the
washing of hands have been the usual procedure in many public places,
this time it was the pass to a new stage.
Day after day the number of students increased. On Friday 60% of the
student population attended classes. It has not been easy.. Friends
that had not seen each other for a long time and naturally hugged
themselves would hear the voice of the adult at their back “don’t
touch”; or the little ones playing together and sharing the water from
the same bottle being corrected “don’t share”. The task ahead is a
difficult one. It is to walk along constantly reminding those who use
to express their closeness by touching, that they can become a weapon
to the other. It is to walk close to those that lost parents, brothers
and sisters whose eyes reflect the sadness and emptiness of life that
there is a God who is a Father and who watches over us with love and
On behalf of each and everyone I want to say THANK YOU for having
walked with us like the Cirene during all these months. For having
offered sacrifices for us to have enough food and clothes to wear.;
For having prayed for us to have the strength to go through the
tunnel. For all you did in the silence of your heart. Mary that covers
us with her mantle be for you all the loving Mother that guides you to
Sr.Elisa Padilla m.c. Sierra Leone